More than Superheroes

Ant-Man – The Superhero Father


When I was growing up, I wanted to be a superhero. That would have been awesome. I would daydream about having incredible powers that I could use to defeat those terrible super villains. I loved reading about and watching heroes like Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Iron Man. Their lives seemed amazing. Iron Man became my favorite. I would have loved to be the guy who built a high-tech suit of armor. In certain regards, these heroes were role models not just to me but to many people. These heroes were the good guys because in the end they would do the right thing.

Eventually we all realize that we can’t become superheroes (at least not until the Iron Man armor becomes real). But as we grow up and become responsible adults, we do have opportunities to become role models. As a parent I want to be a good role model for my daughter. I want to set a good example for her. I want to help her see what is right and wrong. In a sense, I even want to be her hero. I want to protect her from the evils of this world. I know that there are sinful people out there who might harm her in various ways. I want to do what I can to make sure that she is safe.

In the movie Ant-Man from last summer, they use the idea that a father is his daughter’s hero. Scott Lang has a young daughter named Cassie who idolizes him. However, Scott has not been heroic. He had to serve time in jail because he had been caught stealing. Upon his release he wants to change his ways. He wants to be a good father and get a job so that he can pay child support. He runs into a problem when no one wants to hire a criminal. Eventually, noted scientist Hank Pym recruits Scott for a very special job.

Years ago, Hank developed the Ant-Man technology. With that tech, Pym is able to shrink down to the size of an ant. While at first that doesn’t sound too impressive, it allows him to attack and defeat opponents in astonishing ways. Now, Darren Cross is trying to replicate the technology and use it for evil purposes. Darren is working to develop the Yellowjacket suit. This suit would be similar to the Ant-Man but far deadlier. Hank wants Scott to help him steal the Yellowjacket suit and destroy Darren’s work. Hank is going to train Scott to become the next Ant-Man. The mantle is being passed from Hank to Scott.

Scott-Lang-and-Cassie-Lang-in-Ant-ManPart of the way that Hank convinces Scott to become Ant-Man is by referencing Scott’s daughter Cassie. Hank tells him, “Become the hero that she already thinks you are.” Scott knows that this is his opportunity to do the right thing. He can be the hero that his daughter already thinks him to be. All this eventually leads to a final confrontation between Ant-Man and Yellowjacket. During that battle, Cassie clearly sees that her Dad is an amazing superhero.

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And yet, in that same verse, God tells me exactly how I can be her hero. When I point her to Jesus, I am antmanposterbeing the best hero that my daughter can ever have. I talked about wanting to protect her from evil. The greatest evil that can ever befall her would be falling into unbelief and being eternally condemned to hell. I know how that can be prevented. I know that she needs Jesus and his cross for her eternal salvation. I already brought her to the waters of baptism. I will continue to bring the Word of God into her life. Jesus is her greatest superhero. I can be her hero by pointing her to Jesus.

The reason I can be this kind of hero for my daughter is not because of my own power. I already acknowledged my sinfulness and the times that I have failed to be the best father and hero. I am enabled to be a hero only because of the grace of God. God’s grace sent Jesus to pay for my sinful failures through the cross. Jesus was even more than a superhero. He is our Savior from sin. I know this because God sent me heroes who shared this gospel with me.

My father and mother brought me up in the Christian faith. My pastors baptized me and led me to God’s Word. My teachers in grade school, high school, college, and seminary all pointed me to Jesus. All these people were spiritual heroes to me. They were not heroes because of their own personal achievements. They were heroes because they brought me up in the training and instruction of the Lord. They showed me the love of Jesus. Now they have passed this mantle on to me. Now I will show this same love of Jesus to my daughter.

As I lead her to Jesus, I will continue to strive to be a Christian role model for her. I want her to see the importance of her faith and I want her to see a good example of what it means to be a Christian father. She won’t get to see me fighting against the forces of evil in the same manner as Ant-Man when he fought against Yellowjacket. But she will see me living my faith. Scott Lang was a hero to his daughter. I pray that the Lord will help me to continue to be a Christian hero to my daughter. I will point her to Jesus as her Savior.

2615127-talestoastonish027Ant-Man History

The original Ant-Man was Hank Pym. He first appeared in “Tales to Astonish” number 27 back in January 1962. In that issue, he is simply a scientist who discovers a shrinking formula. He spends the issue working to escape from a colony of ants. Later he becomes a superhero and a founding member of the Avengers. In 1979 Scott Lang becomes the second Ant-Man. I like the change they made for the movies. In the movies, Hank and Scott are from different generations. This allowed the mantle of Ant-Man to be passed from Hank to Scott.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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