2016 Bible Reading Group

Bible Reading Group: Week 8

Bible Reading Group 8What a great opportunity we have here to study the book of Joshua. At my current call we are located right next to a Mormon temple. It is quite a reminder every day that there are so many ways that people, the world, and false religions use to deceive and tear people away from the truth. God called Joshua as his anointed leader for his people to lead them into the Promised Land to inherit his promise. May we this week be drawn closer to God and follow him into the promised land of heaven and see that our inheritance resides in Him.
Some highlights to enjoy and ponder as we read this week:
• God continuously blesses the Israelites with victory after victory to enter the already occupied promised land.
• Pay close attention to who God uses as his tools to accomplish his purposes and promises.
• Watch where the ark is throughout the entire book.
• Also follow along where Jesus, the Savior is during all of this.
• I’m also posting a map here of the 12 Tribes of Israel along with city names so that it might help keep your bearings straight.
• Finally, I think we all may learn from Joshua as we see how beautifully he sticks to his words from chapter 24:15, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Blessings to you as you read and ponder God’s Word in Joshua.

Pastor Huebner has been the pastor of Christ the King Palm Coast, FL since its beginning. He came to Palm Coast in 2007 to start the church as a brand new mission church. He has overseen CTK from its start with just three families that met in his living room. Now he serves as pastor of a very large congregation with many wonderful families!

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