2016 Bible Reading Group,  Resources

Bible Reading Group: Week 5

Bible Reading Group 5This week we’ll be reading through the Book of Leviticus. Sometimes Leviticus is the place where well-intentioned plans to read through the Bible come to an end. There are a whole lot of very detailed instructions here, which can sometimes be a challenge to take in. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Here are a few themes you can focus on to help you see the bigger picture as you read through Leviticus.

First, the fact that Leviticus contains so many detailed instructions demonstrates God’s care and concern for his people. He didn’t leave them guessing as to how they were to serve and worship him. In addition, many of the laws that God gave his people served not only their spiritual lives but also their physical well-being. Detailed laws about things like food safety and personal hygiene would have been especially important for a large group of people living in close quarters.

Second, notice an emphasis on cleanness/uncleanness throughout Leviticus. These laws would have been a constant reminder that a holy God cannot tolerate even the smallest stain or blemish. It also would have reminded them that, no matter how hard they tried, they could not keep themselves clean in God’s sight and needed Someone to live a holy life in their place and cleanse them of their sin.

Third, you’ll also see in Leviticus the importance of animal sacrifice. This practice taught the people a couple of very important things. First, that the consequence of sin is death, the shedding of life-blood. But, more importantly, that a substitute can suffer this consequence for you, in your place. Every animal sacrifice offered at the tabernacle pointed ahead to the Lamb of God, our Substitute, who shed his blood and died for our sins.

Finally, even if you skim through some portions of Leviticus, be sure to pay special attention to chapter 16, which discusses the Day of Atonement. The work of Christ is found really in every detail of this holy day.

As I said above, there are a lot of details in the Book of Leviticus about a lot of things that we as New Testament believers are not familiar with. I’d be happy to help explain any of them.

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Pastor Huebner has been the pastor of Christ the King Palm Coast, FL since its beginning. He came to Palm Coast in 2007 to start the church as a brand new mission church. He has overseen CTK from its start with just three families that met in his living room. Now he serves as pastor of a very large congregation with many wonderful families!

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