2016 Bible Reading Group

Bible Reading Group: Week 4

Bible Reading Group 3 (4)Week 4 (Jan 24-30) readings are Exodus 21-40

Things to watch for as you read: (In no particular order)

1) The first few chapters focus on the Mosaic law (also known as the ceremonial law) given by God at Mt. Sinai. It is helpful to remember threefold purpose in giving these regulations.

a. They were to be a mirror, that is, to impress upon the hearts of God’s people their sinfulness.
b. They were to serve as a hedge, to guard the people from commingling with the Gentiles and be lead astray.
c. They were to foreshadow the blessings of Christ. (Especially through the sacrificial code)

2) When reading through the details of the construction of the tabernacle and the priestly garments, consider these words from Prof. Ernst Wendland.

“The construction of the tabernacle with its furnishings as well as the priestly garments which were to be made picture this relationship between a gracious Lord and his chosen people Israel. The instructions which the Lord gave Moses concerning these matters…indicate how Israel’s worship was to be symbolic of its covenant relationship with the Lord. The Lord would dwell in the midst of his people. They were to approach him through mediators. It was by way of sacrifice that the people were to express their relationship to him and make atonement for their many sins and failings. It was through their offerings that they were to show their thanks and praise to the glory of his name.”

3) While we often look at the Golden Calf incident as a moment of great sin and judgment, it is also a moment of incredible grace. Almost immediately after establishing a covenant with Israel to be their God they go and worship another. You would expect them all to be wiped out. But instead, God shows them mercy. This moment shows the true nature of LORD, just as he reveals himself in Exodus 34: ‘The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’

4) We also see throughout this section the amazing work of Moses as mediator. In spite of all the problems that the Israelites caused, all the headaches they brought Moses’ way, he still stands up for his people, calling upon God’s mercy again and again.

5) The book of Exodus closes with the glory of the LORD filling the tabernacle. What a wondrous sight this must have been! It was a sign to God’s people that was dwelling in and among them. Yes, he was their God and they were his people. While we do not get to see the same glorious sight as our forefathers of old, we do still get the same joy of knowing that God’s presence is here among us. For every time the Word is preached, God dwells among us. Every time that a Baptism is carried out, God dwells among us. Every time that the Lord’s Supper is celebrated, God dwells among us. He comes near to us by his grace, making us his own through his mercy. That is the true glory of the LORD our God.

Lord sanctify us by your truth, your Word is truth.

Pastor Huebner has been the pastor of Christ the King Palm Coast, FL since its beginning. He came to Palm Coast in 2007 to start the church as a brand new mission church. He has overseen CTK from its start with just three families that met in his living room. Now he serves as pastor of a very large congregation with many wonderful families!

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