
A Day of Infamy. A Day of Grace. A Personal Reflection.

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A day of infamy.

That’s how this day was described back in 1941. Japan orchestrated a surprise attack on the U.S. pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor, HI. 19 ships were damaged or destroyed. 2,403 men and women were killed. War was formally declared one day later.

Earlier that Sunday morning Hawaii slept peacefully in the darkness, blissfully unaware of what December 7 held for her. Meanwhile, in Zilwaukee, a baby girl was baptized. In trust and in obedience her parents brought her to God’s house (a local church) and to God’s representative (that church’s pastor).

Trust. Her parents believed the words of Jesus and His apostles: that Baptism was for forgiveness and for faith, that sins were washed away, that the little girl born of flesh was now born again of water and the Spirit.

Obedience. Her mother and father obeyed Jesus’ command to make disciples by baptizing and by teaching all nations. They believed this applied to their own children as much as it applied to distant countries.

And so on December 7, 1941 the words of Saint Paul became words about her. 1 Corinthians 6:11 And such (unbelieving sinners) were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

December 7, 1941 is remembered as a day of infamy. I also remember it as a day of grace because that little girl is my mother. Her parents cultivated the gift of faith that God gave to her that day. Teaching her the truths of God’s Word, they fed and nourished the gift God had bestowed.

There was hope even on that day of infamy. God would not let treachery and deceit, hatred and death have the final say. No. The final word on all of this was spoken almost 2,000 years before. Suffering the punishments deserved for all the world’s sin, Jesus said It is finished and with that He commended His soul into His Father’s care. He died as the wages of sin require. Three days later He rose again to prove His victory and superiority over all these things.

Satan delighted in the deceit of Pearl Harbor just as he delights in the sorrow, hatred, fear, loss and atheism that is bred by war. But God has the last word. While Satan conspires every possible evil for mankind, God works for their good—for our good. He does His work through Jesus’ cross and He does His work through ordinary mothers and fathers, through the words of Scripture, and through bread and wine and water. God’s work is forgiveness therefore God’s work is love and hope and mercy. God’s work is heavenly.

Satan will do his best to bring us more days of infamy. Some will be on a global or national scale like San Bernadino. Some will be directed only at you or your loved ones. He would have these be days of cloud and darkness and sorrow that are so overwhelming that we lose sight of our Savior.

But as the son of that little girl who was baptized on a day of infamy I can tell you that God has already done His best. He has given His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. He continues to share that gift with young and old, with child and parent and grandparent.

Cling to Him and His promises. Days of sunshine and joy wait for you in Heaven, days without terror and days without our own shame; days that can never be called days of infamy. Jesus Himself has secured that for you.

Certainly not the physically or mentally fittest, Tony is living proof that Darwin is wrong. After 30 years of putting himself in dumb, stupid, and dangerous situations with wild animals, extreme conditions, and multiple food poisonings, he now serves as a husband of one, father of four, and E.L.S. pastor of Bethany Lutheran in Port Orchard, WA. If you're ever out that way, look him up for some really dimwitted adventures.

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