One Year Bible Reading Group
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
Christ the King Lutheran Church in Palm Coast Florida is hosting a Bible reading group in 2016 and you are all invited to join!
The Bible is so important for our lives. It is God’s true, inerrant (perfect), and inspired (God-breathed) Word that is his power for our salvation. In it we hear about what our God expects of us and how we fall short (sin). But we also hear about how merciful our God is and how he forgives us through the life and death of his Son Jesus Christ (grace). With that truth of the gospel shining brightly int…o this world of darkness and into our own dark hearts, God’s Word truly becomes a lamp for our feet and a light for our path that guides toward his free gift of life forever in heaven.
Most people know it’s important to read the Bible. But most would admit they don’t read it as often as they should, or even at all. Some are intimidated by the content or the size of the book. Some forget. Some get busy. Some are lazy. Some of us are described by all of the above.
The purpose of this group is to encourage one another to read the Bible more and regularly. The goal for this group is to read the entire Bible in one year. The group will help provide the schedule and the timing and also the encouragement and motivation. This group will also provide the opportunity for you to ask questions about what you are reading so that you can better understand the Bible as you read it.
To help this process, several pastors are volunteering to lead this group. Each week a pastor will provide a reminder of the reading schedule for the week as well as a few brief paragraphs to help understand the content or key points of the chapters being read. That pastor will also serve as the leader for answering questions, though others can chime in too!
Please feel free to ask for help, ask questions, or ask for encouragement at any time on this journey you are taking!
The schedule for reading is attached to this post. It is scheduled by week. Some days you might be really busy and miss reading time. That’s OK! Just keep reading and keep up week by week! You will need to read about 20-40 minutes a day and about 4-5 chapters of the Bible per day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. So find your best times–maybe 10 minutes in the morning, 10 at lunch, and 10 at night, maybe 30 minutes all at once–find your best schedule and go with it!
You CAN do this. God WILL bless this. His Word is ALWAYS powerful and effective and will always work in your heart. That’s his promise.
Now use this group to encourage you as you explore the depths and riches of his Word and make 2016 a life-changing year!
Please feel free to share this with as many as possible. The group is open to all.

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