Let Your Gentleness be Evident to All The Lord is Near
This poem is a continuation of the last post going with themes found in Philippians 4. Here are some thoughts on Philippians 4:5, a passage that gives us good wisdom for the way we live in these last days.
We rejoice in the Lord and in Him we trust,
As we live in a world opposed to Him and to us,
And we listen to His words that we each need to hear:
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
When sinners scream, “Sinner!” and fingers point hard,
When inside and out some are hated and scarred,
When cowards post online what lips dare not say,
Let us be shockingly gentle in every possible way.
Remember our mission: Speak His truth in love
Not sinfully self-righteously speaking down from above.
Yet truth we must speak, calmly calling sin—sin
Being firm in our gentleness again and again
Knowing only the Spirit can woo and win
A heart that is proud and content in its sin
As our hearts have all at one time been.
So let gentleness speak and that voice be loud.
Let us follow the Lamb and not follow the crowd
Giving love that gladly lays life and self down
So one more lost sinner might inherit the crown.
And the Lord is near! Right here! Right here now!
Hidden from sight and from touch somehow
But here nonetheless so incredibly near
With his changeless love and his attentive ear
With his nail-scarred hands that rule all things
With each promise true that comfort brings
With his victorious, triumphant, eternal might
With his calm clear truth that soothes our fright
With help and healing that gives us peace
With sweet forgiveness and eternal release
With Him so near, we need not fear
We can work and give and live each year
For the One who gave each perfect breath
And sacrificed himself to death.
He paid full-debt for every sin
That every sinner could live with Him!
The time is short so we work while it’s day
And live, love and speak in His gentle true way
We pass on his Word of love and power
Knowing we live in the final hour
And soon enough, when the time is right
Like a sudden flash of lightning light
Our near Lord will be seen by all
We’ll lift our heads and heed his call
And all who scoffed and turned away
Will tremble on that dreadful day
When the Mighty Risen Christ appears
And forever ends his people’s tears.

One Comment
Rosemary Anne
Hi Adam, Thanks so much for this beautiful poem! I stumbled across your website when I was doing some research for a devotional on Philippians 4:5. I love the way you have expressed these profound and simple truths.Your passions sound the same as mine.. God’s Word and writing. Thanks again and may God continue to bless and use you for His Glory. Rosemary Anne.