A Prayer for Veteran’s Day
I had discovered this prayer on the WELS website a few weeks ago and found it to be most wonderfully worded. I can’t find it on the site now so will share here.
Everlasting Protector and Defender, we come before you with our prayers: We thank you, Lord, for our military veterans. Through them you have provided us with blessings that people around the world envy. But the presence of our veterans also reminds us of your warning that wars and rumors of war will continue until the end of time. In your mercy, keep war from our shores, and frustrate the plans of all those who would cause us terror.
Lord of the Nations, we ask that you would continue to bless our country with men and women who are willing to go to distant and dangerous places to protect us from those who would do us harm. We pray that you will continue to bless us with veterans who offer faithful and selfless service.
Be with our veterans as they return home and continue their march through life—especially those wounded in body or spirit. May they receive the support and care they deserve for their sacrifice. Protect them from the ambush of sin and the firepower of Satan. Give them the health and strength they need to carry out the missions in life that you have laid before them.
Lord, be their shield and strength, their guide and their rearguard. Give to them the peace that surpasses all understanding as they place their trust in Jesus.
When their tour of duty in this world is over, give them the order to come home. Bring them to where there are no more wars.
Grant unto them this blessing: when we are listening to taps being played over their graves, may they be listening to the joyous trumpet call of God and the music of heaven’s choirs. Grant this for Jesus’ sake. Amen.