More than Superheroes

Avengers: The Superhero and Sacrifice


A trait that you will find in most Superheroes is that they are willing to risk their life for the good of others. When the battle is starting, the Superheroes run toward the fight while many terrified civilians run away. These heroes put their life on the line to protect and save others. They even take special care during the battle to make sure that innocent bystanders are saved.

Before getting to the new Age of Ultron movie, let’s look at an example from the first Avengers movie. Captain America identifies that Tony Stark is looking out mainly for himself. Tony doesn’t truly care that much about others. In an argument, Cap says, “The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.” Tony arrogantly brushes him off and says, “I think I would just cut the wire.”

In spite of what Tony says, when he is needed, when lives are in danger, he puts on his Iron Man armor and becomes a hero. During the final battle, Iron Man risked his life in order to take a nuclear missile into outer space. Even as he grabbed the nuke, it looked like he was going to certain death. If he succeeded in destroying the alien invasion force, he would probably be stuck in the vacuum of space as the wormhole would close behind him. In the end he made it back to Earth, but he had willingly risked his life to save his fellow Avengers and the city.

There is a similar event in Age of Ultron. I think it is even more significant than Iron Man’s willingness to sacrifice himself to save New York. During the final battle in Sokovia, the Avengers are working to save the citizens. The SHIELD Hellicarrier has arrived and they are getting all the people to the SHIELD aircraft so that they can be saved. Hawkeye notices a little boy who is in danger of being left behind. Hawkeye is about to take the boy to safety when Ultron starts firing a machine gun at both Hawkeye and the boy.

Just when you think they are both going to die, the speedster Quicksilver heroically pushes them out of Avengers-Age-of-Ultron-Quicksilverthe way. Quicksilver takes the barrage of machine gun fire. He died saving them. He gave his life to save just two people. Quicksilver made the ultimate sacrifice so that others could live. This is even more significant when you think about Quicksilver’s history. He had hated the Avengers at the start of the story. Once he saw that they were the good guys, he joined their cause. He sacrificed his life to save Hawkeye and that boy.

Quicksilver’s sacrifice makes me think of some words Jesus said. Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus himself said that the greatest love is the love that is willing to sacrifice life itself for the sake of others.

How many of us would actually be willing to lay down our life for others? That is something that is difficult for anyone to do. How many of us would willingly risk our life for others? Maybe for those we really care about we would be willing to do that. But would we even risk our lives for our enemies? It is unlikely that we would want to lay down our lives for those who hate and despise us.

But that is exactly what Jesus did. Jesus came into this world and laid down his life in order to save people who sin against him every day. Every time we break God’s law, it is a way that we are showing hatred toward God. We are placing our will and our desires above God. We are serving ourselves and loving ourselves more than we love God and his commands. There are many who don’t even believe in Jesus and he even died for them.

It is incredible that Jesus showed that kind of love. He loves all people. He earned forgiveness for all people. Through his death, he won eternal life for us. He even gives us the gift of faith so that we can believe in his sacrifice. That was his plan ever since the fall into sin and he never deviated from his plan to save us. Quicksilver didn’t plan on dying to save others. He was just acting heroically. Death wasn’t part of Quicksilver’s plan but for Jesus death was part of his plan to save us.

Quicksilver was not motivated by a love which wants to save all people from sin and eternal condemnation. Quicksilver saved two people from an earthly death. The death of Jesus accomplishes much more than Quicksilver’s death. Jesus’ death saves us from more than just earthly death. His death saves us from eternal death. Because of his death we have forgiveness and eternal life. We appreciate what he has done for us. Jesus has saved us in the greatest way possible. We share that message with others so that they too may know the joy of forgiveness and life in heaven. Jesus’ sacrifice is the only sacrifice with eternal benefits.

Avengers History

Age-of-ultron-01Age of Ultron was a recent Marvel comic event from 2013. Actually if you go and pick up the collected edition thinking that it will be like the recent movie, you might be disappointed. The move and the comic that share a name are very different. (They weren’t meant to be the same story. They just share a title.) The comic event shows a time that Ultron actually conquered the world. Heroes from the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four all work together to defeat Ultron. It even talks about what would happen if one person is sacrificed to try to stop Ultron. (I won’t spoil the identity of the person who is sacrificed.)

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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