The Word Hangs High a poem for Lent
The following poem offers some devotional thoughts on the incredible, sacrificial love of our Savior as we walk through the somber and sobering season of Lent and remember the events of Good Friday and what they mean for us.
God’s grim billboard of love,
His Word written blood-red,
The sinless Son of God soon dead
Hanging high,
Suffers under blackened sky
As crowds of haters cry.
This scene we know so well,
Our Savior suffers our hell,
But now again we rehearse,
Read through every Bible verse,
Let the awe-full truth sink in:
Every sinner’s every sin
Fully punished all on him.
At his cross again we stand
Sinful heart and empty hand,
Watch him love us all to death
Hear him give each final breath
Shout his triumph as he dies
Declare us perfect in God’s eyes!
All is paid. All is done.
Our gift of life so costly won.
Can we just pass by
With a brief bitter sigh—
A moment’s unease
And then go do as we please?
Can we carelessly ignore
Whom he did this for?
Every person we might touch
Has been loved by God this much!
Can I truly ever see
Just how deep my depravity,
Just how bad my sin must be
If it cost this price for me?
May we live the life he’s given,
Free from sin that is forgiven.
May we dedicate all our days
To his well-deserved praise.
May that Word of love hang high,
Fill each sinner’s wandering eye.
May that Word work in each heart
Change us deep in every part,
Teach us trust that hangs on tight
To that cross through earthly night
Till that day—forever dawn
When all will see God’s Risen Son.