Uncategorized,  Verses for the King


-LOVE-love-36983825-1680-1050We can only learn true love from God. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. (John 3:16) That is love. That is the kind of self-sacrificing, undeserved love that we have from God! That love moves us to love others, truly love others. God’s love is a beautiful, perfect pattern for us to thankfully try to follow as his saved children. That is true for all our various relationships. The short poem below attempts to sum up and express that kind of love. Of course, 1 Corinthians 13 is a go-to passage for this subject and I encourage you to read it along with the poem.

Love is no fairytale
That you fall into fast
Just an unexplainable feeling
Such “love” does not last.
That’s the love of the world
That gives to receive
That feels good and stays
But then sours and leaves.

True love is hearty labor,
So stubbornly soft
That it gives what is good
When receiving what is not.

Love is patient and kind,
It long suffers to serve,
Says, “What can I do?”
Not, “What do I deserve?”

Love is an ongoing choice
Heart-warm and true
To meet the needs of another
With all you think, say and do.

My name is Adam Nitz. I was trained as a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Pastor and was privileged to serve a congregation in Michigan for three years. After much wrestling in prayer and evaluating personal and family considerations I resigned my call. Part of the new direction my life has taken includes creative writing. I’ve always loved to write. Growing up I filled notebooks with poetry and reflections on life, faith, people and God. I just recently published a novel. I took a real person mentioned briefly in the Bible and imagined what his life's journey may have been like. If you’d like to follow my journey as an author feel free to check out my other blog at www.adamnitz.com. Please check out my book: I Was There When the Giant Fell at www.createspace.com/4761654 or search the title on Amazon.com. I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth--his mighty Word and that hearts and lives are changed by God’s boundless message of grace.


    • adamnitz

      Yes. It’s so humbling and eye-opening to read through God’s description of love and compare it to my miserably poor attempts. Thank God for his perfect love which covers ours perfectly. Thank God for his love which is the only source of any true love from me!

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