God–a child born for you! A poem and a reminder by Adam Nitz

Here is a Christmas poem and reminder based on passages from John 1.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas as you celebrate the birth of the Savior!
In the beginning was the Word
The Word was with God, the Word was God
He was with God in the beginning.
This the Word that spoke forth light
That ordered time into day and night
That gathered seas and land in place
And set each star in outer space.
Through Him all that is was made
Without Him nothing could ever be made.
In Him was life that was our light.
In deepest darkness light shines bright
But darkness hardens and turns away
Refusing to know the light of Day.
This the Word now come in flesh,
Conceived in virgin lowly and fresh.
Angel millions hush each voice,
Wide-eyed in silence watch God’s choice—
Among the beasts where men won’t sleep
In a feeding trough near cows and sheep
He comes from womb to sin-full earth
No human fanfare greets God’s birth.
Blinding glory and might supreme
In helpless baby lost in dream.
Ancient promise stands fulfilled
All is just as God has willed!
Look! Peer in with bated breath
See infant life that conquers death
The babe that drew each breath for you
A flawless life-long record true.
For poor and wealthy, great and small
He came to reach us, save us all…
None too broken—wrecked with sin
None too lost that he can’t win.
He came for stubborn, angry, weak,
He came each sinner here to seek
And you and me and all our mess
Lifetimes of sins, our desperateness
He came, He came, He came to save
And take our sin, our hell, our grave.
This baby’s future? No palace grand,
But to feel the bite of nail through hand!
He came to that which was his own,
Yet his own despised their King, his throne
Threw God’s gift back in his face
Refused his truth, despised his grace
And on a cross this Lamb would die
The death we all deserved to die.
He felt all punishment complete
For a world of sin he bore hell’s heat.
With dying words the Word went out
“Paid in full!” his mighty shout!
And then from grave to glory he
Stands risen and rules eternally.
This Christmas as we gather round
For gifts and fun and joyful sound
For worship ritual, carols and bells
Festive sights and savory smells
May nothing distract us from God’s Son—
God’s Greatest Gift and all he’s done
Instead, let’s focus on the Word
And all year treasure what is heard.
May this message fill us new:
God—a child born for you!

I plan on sharing your A God Kind of Love in our February prayer calendar. I tried to tell you by email. Now I claim your statement “I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth”. Thank You. <3
Yes. Feel free to use it. I’d be honored. –Adam