Arts,  Classic Hymns,  Music

Angels & Archangels Hymn Service – Bethany Lutheran College

A hymn service led by Rev. Prof. Dennis Marzolf at Bethany Lutheran College, Sept 30, 2014 on the occasion of the festival of St. Michael and All Angels.

Artwork by Jonathan Mayer, Scapegoat Studio
Used by permission

Prof. Marzolf occasionally leads students at Bethany Lutheran College in hymns for minor festivals of the church year, such as the Annunciation to Mary and this, the festival of St, Michael and All Angels. He also has led the campus body in hymns that are important to Bethany, such as “One Thing Needful” and “On My Heart Imprint Thine Image.” Rather than singing a bunch of “favorites,” the verses are specifically chosen to tell the story of salvation, no matter what the theme of the week may be.

HT: Thanks to Bethany Lutheran Seminary student Jeffery Hendrix for putting this video together to share with Bread for Beggars.

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