Arts,  Modern,  The History of Redemption

The History of Redemption Part 2: Let there be light

© 2014 Chris Koelle. Used by permission.

And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:3-4 ESV)

More from Pastor Aaron Christie’s wonderful sermon for Trinity Sunday.

In an effort to find some meaning in life, many end up making themselves into gods. They confuse themselves for the Almighty God. Modern day man would like nothing more than to re-write Genesis 1 to sound something like this:

In the beginning there was Man – thinking, laughing, smoking… tougher than dirt.

He decided it was He who created the heavens and the earth and all the hosts therein.

And Man said: “LET THERE BE LIGHT” and there was light. Neon light, fluorescent light, flashlight, spotlight, laser light, mercury vapor light; All blinking on and off at the will of Man.

And Man saw the abundant light and said to the host assembled in awe: “LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH GREEN THINGS.” And it was so. For Man tilled the ground and seeded the clouds. And Man beheld the greatest of bumper crops which he had made and he said: “YO, HO, HO, I’M THE JOLLY GREEN GIANT!” And it was good.

And Man split the atom, assembled computers and conquered the heavens. And Man called the heavens “Space” and he called the earth “Ground Control.”

And Man gazed into His Space and said: “LET THERE BE VOICES TO SING MY PRAISES!” And it was so; for there became Telsatr, Sputnik, and the International Space Station. And Man heard the voices which he had made and he nodded: “A-OK.”


And it was so; God was made – quite a lot like an overindulgent doting Father, and definitely on Man’s side.

Man congratulated Himself for His successes and His Wisdom in all things. In fact, He drank a toast to Himself from His thermos, put God on a shelf, and then went shopping.

Brothers and sisters: fear the temptation of putting God on a shelf! Fear giving God dominion over an hour on Sunday morning! Fear the temptation to make our technological gadgetry our hope for the future! What kind of nitwit do we think God is? Who is it that we have come to worship? The One who is from all time before the beginning! The one who holds the galaxies in check like a poodle on a leash! The One who permeates all creation with his presence from the supernova to the tiniest quark! Does not the God who sees the inner workings of an atom also see what goes on behind the doors of our houses? Does not the God who knows the number of hairs on our head also know the number of our sins?

HT: Aaron Christie

Each day I am confronted with so many good created things that in their service to me and others also seek to pull me away from my creator and my God. As soon as I get into the office in the morning and begin my work for the day, I am faced with tools and technology that aid me in my trade. Tools and technology that are indeed good gifts of God, but are created things that easily draw me into all sorts of self-centered purposes.  It is oh so easy for the tools, the technology and the creations I produce from them to become what I value and in essence worship.

We can be thankful that Genesis 1 doesn’t start with me…instead with he. He is the one who created light for the world and he is the one who has created light in my life. He is the one who does what I could never do. That’s why the history of redemption is a story about him and not about me and what I seek to create.

Without him my story is darkness and there is no hope of light. Without him my story ends with me talking my last breath on earth and being cast into darkness for eternity. But it does not end. Just as the Creator made the first light in the darkness, so has he created light in my heart and brought me to salvation.

 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)

Prayer: Lord of heaven and earth. Creator of all things. Today as I flip on the lights or turn on the television or spend hours holding a tiny technological marvel in the palm of my hand, remind me that you are the one who spoke and light was made. Remind me that although man has had his hand and his mind in creating so much, you are truly the creator and preserver of all things.

Each day as technology seeks to consume the hours, abilities and resources you have given me, remind me that as useful and as valuable as they are, they are not saviors and they are not to be worshiped as such. As I personally seek to play creator and king of my own universe, let your word of rebuke speak into the dark places of my heart where my pride and false deities dwell. Remind me that you who alone are the creator of heaven and earth are also the creator of me and my eternity.

I thank you Lord for the light of day and darkness of night. For the hours, abilities and resources you give me, for those too I thank you and I ask that you would lead me to use them to your glory and for the eternal good of those you have placed into my life. I also thank you for bringing me through faith out of their darkness of sin into the light of life in you! Amen!

The History of Redemption Part 1: In the beginning, God

The History of Redemption Part 2: Let there be light

The History of Redemption illustrates the story of our salvation as told by God in his Word. Scripture provides the text for this awe-inspiring narrative that takes the reader on a journey through creation, fall, and redemption ultimately accomplished through the work of Jesus Christ.

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