The History of Redemption Part 1: In the beginning, God

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2 ESV)
Before there was anything. “In the beginning, God.” What does this truly mean for us who live in a world so far removed from those infant days of verbal creation. Why is it so important for us to remember the fact that “in the beginning, God?”
In his wonderful sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday, Pastor Aaron Christie writes the following about the importance of this in-the-beginning-God. (Read the entire sermon here)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Translation: From all eternity, God is God and we’re not. Life gets messy when we confuse the two! God the answer to life is the Creator of life – at the very beginning. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were all working together on your behalf in the beginning! …
But there is something else that was filling God’s thoughts in the beginning – something beyond light, and atoms, and eclipses. It was your salvation. He determined to save us from the sinful skepticism of a Mark Twain. He decided to deliver us from the obnoxious optimism of our materialistic age. Before the Father ever created a single person, he was already planning on saving people.”–Pastor Aaron Christie
Prayer: Father this day as I marvel at your creation and its awesome beginnings, lead me also to marvel at you, who were before all was. Lead me to see that before I was, you were, and all that this means for me. Lead me to see that you are the beginning, not me. Lead me to see that you are God, not me. Lead me to see that you are salvation, not me. God of the beginning, be with me until the end. Amen!
About the Artwork
All The History of Redemption artwork by Chris Koelle is used with his permission. Learn more about Chris and his artwork by visiting his website http.chriskoelle.com.
