Sing a New Song,  Uncategorized,  Verses for the King

Lord Show Us You Care No Matter What

Sad_WomanIn a sinful world its so easy to lose sight of what is really good, true and eternal. We see so much that is wrong with the world that it can be hard to remember who’s really in charge and that HE really does care for each of us, perfectly…no matter what happens in this life.

Overwhelming is the view
Of this life—if it weren’t for you!
Death appears alive and well.
So wide and broad the way to hell,
And evil looks so innocent,
And sin seems good, demands consent.
False prophets speak and sing so sweet,
And human hearts so falsely beat.
The world works hard for heaven on earth,
Ignores Your Truth, denies its worth.
Light seems drowned in deepest black;
God’s sheep asleep, and wolves attack.
Earthquakes, wars and famines rage—
The earth seems in its final stage.
And when I look inside I see
Such evil lurking deep in me.

So keep me focused on reality!
All the love you gave at Calvary!
Remind me daily all you did for me
And the endless might of your hidden majesty!
For when it looked like you had lost
You paid the dreadful, priceless cost
Every sin’s full penalty
Then shouted out in victory
There’s nothing left for us to do
So we spend our lives in loving you
For death has died, your tomb is bare
Our present and future are in your care
And in this life it often looks like all is lost
When dust is turning back to dust
And ashes back to ashes go
And so much pain is what we know
And all the world is black with woe
Sin and death seem fierce and strong
But the truth is that it won’t be long
And clouds will part and trumpet sound
We’ll see you crowned and coming down
And all your glory on display
While all that’s evil melts away
And we, in your perfect peace will stand
There with you in the promised land.

Until then, fill us with your promise true
That we may pass it on for you.
Not our strength or work will win
We are nothing, wrecked in sin
But through the dark you battle on
You use our lives, our love, our speech
Through us you seek the lost to reach.
You move us each to struggle on
And fight the fight that you have won.
So fix our faith on truths unseen
And feed us with your pastures green
And lead us as our Shepherd on
Through this night into your dawn.

My name is Adam Nitz. I was trained as a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Pastor and was privileged to serve a congregation in Michigan for three years. After much wrestling in prayer and evaluating personal and family considerations I resigned my call. Part of the new direction my life has taken includes creative writing. I’ve always loved to write. Growing up I filled notebooks with poetry and reflections on life, faith, people and God. I just recently published a novel. I took a real person mentioned briefly in the Bible and imagined what his life's journey may have been like. If you’d like to follow my journey as an author feel free to check out my other blog at Please check out my book: I Was There When the Giant Fell at or search the title on I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth--his mighty Word and that hearts and lives are changed by God’s boundless message of grace.

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