More than Superheroes

Captain America Post 3: Leadership


Captain America is not the most powerful superhero on the Avengers roster. He is not as powerful as the Hulk. He is not a god-like being like Thor. He cannot fly and he does not have an arsenal of weapons like Iron Man. But what he lacks in power, he makes up for in other areas. One of his greatest hero qualities comes not from the super-soldier formula that he was given. His greatest trait was always inside him. He has heart. He cares about others and he cares about defending America. His caring heart translates into incredible leadership abilities.

When the Avengers assemble during the battle of New York, Cap is their leader. In the midst of the battle, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow all gather together on the street. Iron Man turns to Captain America and asks what they should do. Cap takes charge. He gives specific instructions to everyone. Under the leadership of Captain America, the battle is won. A few films later in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Cap again shows his leadership ability.

Captain America: The First AvengerNear the end of the film, Captain America makes an announcement at SHIELD Headquarters which rallies the good guys. He gets on the PA system and tells everyone that HYDRA has infiltrated their ranks. He reveals HYDRA’s evil plan and asks for the true SHIELD agents to join the fight. Based off of his passionate speech, all the good agents recognize that they have been lied to and they follow Captain America. Cap leads them to victory.

Captain America is a good leader. He inspires others to follow him. He has a natural humility and respect for others which makes them want to follow. He works hard and he often puts others before himself. Because he serves his fellow soldiers, people enjoy following his lead. They recognize that if they follow his plan, there is a good chance of success.

In this life, people like to follow a good leader. We want that leader who is going to serve our interests and lead us to victory. As a nation we want a leader who will bring prosperity to our land and serve our nation well in international affairs. In business we want a boss who will manage the company well and help us earn profits. Even in the church, we want leaders who will help the church grow. We like to get behind a good leader.

However, our sinful nature has a way of twisting things. Our sinful nature likes to only look out for ourselves. Because of sin, we tend to follow the leader who is only going to benefit us personally. We even get very upset when the leader doesn’t do exactly what we want. He might even get disrespectful toward that person or perhaps gossip about them behind their back. We think that our way would be better. Perhaps if we were in charge, then everything would go great.

Our greatest leader is Jesus. He showed us that the greatest leadership is not about serving ourselves. The greatest leadership is about serving others. Jesus’ leadership is more than just serving us, it is also about doing something that no other leader can do. Jesus saves us from our sins. Jesus said in Matthew 20:28, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus is our greatest leader. Jesus gave his life for us so that we could have eternal life.

Now Jesus sends us other leaders to point us to Christ. He sends us pastors and other divinely called workers who point us back to Jesus. Naturally we are tempted to not listen to these leaders because our sinful nature doesn’t want to listen. But listen to the following words from Hebrews, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7). We honor those leaders not because they are perfect people but because they point us to Jesus. A good spiritual leader points us to the greatest leader – Jesus Christ.

cap leader 3Captain America is a good leader in an earthly sense. He knows how to lead the troops to victory. Another scene from the Avengers illustrates the natural inclination of human beings to not want to follow the leader. Captain America arrives among a group of New York police officers and he tries to give them orders. One officers asks why they should listen to him. Almost immediately, Cap defeats some of the alien invaders. After that, the officer does exactly what Captain America told him to do.

We don’t always want to listen to spiritual leaders because we don’t see how it is going to benefit us. But if they are truly pointing us to Christ and his cross, then we are being given the greatest benefit. Captain America’s leadership led to earthly victory. Our Lord Jesus’ leadership gives us eternal victory. It is fantastic that Jesus still leads the Church today by sending Christian leaders who continue to point us back to Jesus. We praise Jesus who leads us to heaven.

Civil_War_Vol_1_1_VariantCaptain America History

The Marvel Crossover event called Civil War was probably one of the greatest events in comic history. The Superheroes of the Marvel Universe were fighting each other because of the Superhuman Registration Act. Iron Man was leading the group that supported the Act and Captain America was leading the anti-Registration group. It is an interesting study in the leadership styles of both Iron Man and Captain America. Iron Man was more logical in his approach. Captain America was more emotional. No matter who you agreed with, it was an epic event.



My next several posts will not be following one hero sequentially. There are so many new TV shows and movies coming out this year that I will be writing about few different heroes in my next articles. In the near future, you will see posts about Batman, Spider-man, and the X-Men.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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