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“Man of Sorrows” audio/visual of Isaiah 53

Man of Sorrows  by Hillsong United was released on the Glorious Ruins album in July of 2013. The lyrics and the title are based on Isaiah 53 where God through Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be “a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering.” This song reads and sings like a hymn. The lyrics accurately and powerfully connect Isaiah 53 with the passion accounts in the four Gospels where Jesus is nailed to the Roman cross to pay for the sins of the world. The lyrics focus on Christ and His work of atonement, redemption and reconciliation. He indeed reconciled the very ones who nailed him to the cross. He has done the same for us! The lyrics end at the empty tomb and the glorious resurrection of Jesus. “Hallelujah God be praised. He’s risen from the grave.”

Scripture references include Isaiah 53, John 3:16, 1 John 2:2, 2 Corinthians 5:19, and John 8:36.

Man of SorrowsMan of Sorrows Lyrics:

Man of sorrows Lamb of God
By His own betrayed
The sin of man and wrath of God
Has been on Jesus laid

Silent as He stood accused
Beaten mocked and scorned
Bowing to the Father’s will
He took a crown of thorns

Oh that rugged cross
My salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out
Praise and honour unto Thee

Sent of heaven God’s own Son
To purchase and redeem
And reconcile the very ones
Who nailed Him to that tree

Now my debt is paid
It is paid in full
By the precious blood
That my Jesus spilled

Now the curse of sin
Has no hold on me
Whom the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed

See the stone is rolled away
Behold the empty tomb
Hallelujah God be praised
He’s risen from the grave

Hillsong United 2013

Performed by Dominic Sings

I am Scott Martz and I am a WELS pastor at Lamb of God Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern College in 1990 and a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1994. I served Shepherd Lutheran Church & School from 1994 to 2000 and Lamb of God Lutheran since 2000.

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