More than Superheroes

Captain America Post #1: Liberty


When you think about Captain America, you almost have to think about the country he represents. He is the embodiment of American ideals. So as I thought about Captain America, my thoughts went back to such documents as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. I think about how the founding fathers declared that people ought to have certain rights such as “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” You can especially see that idea of guaranteed liberties when you look at the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Think about all the freedoms that are promoted in those documents.

Those freedoms are wonderful blessings. The freedom of religion is a benefit which allows me to freely proclaim my faith in Jesus. However, as I think about the various freedoms we enjoy, I understand that complete freedom could be a bad thing when it comes to earthly governments. If we would be completely free from laws, anarchy would ensue. Then people would be free to do whatever they wanted. We need certain laws for our benefit. We need a government that will punish those who break the law. So even though we have certain freedoms, we are not completely free to do anything and everything.

Captain America is definitely a passionate supporter of American principles and he understands that there are rules that need to be followed. He submits himself to those rules (most of the time).

The following events are seen in Captain America: The First Avenger.

Before becoming Captain America, Steve Rogers is a young man who just wants to help the war effort during World War II by becoming a soldier. He is a weak, skinny man who has a good heart. He wants to become a soldier not because he delights in the prospect of killing Nazis but rather because he wants to stop the oppressive German government from enslaving other nations.

Captain_America_The_First_Avenger_posterAfter Steve’s incredible character is shown to the military leaders, they give him the super-soldier formula. Everything good about him becomes even better. His body becomes the peak of human perfection. After the transformation, he finally has the physical abilities to carry out the good things that he always wanted to do to serve his country. However, the military leaders don’t use him. They won’t let him use his new talents. Being the dutiful soldier that he is, he submits and carries whatever task he is allowed to do. But then, he gets the chance to help others.

Many soldiers were captured by the Red Skull and his military group called HYDRA. Steve knows that he can help. He wants to carry out a rescue mission. The commanding officer tells him no because he is planning something else. Steve disobeys. Really if you think about it, he exerted his freedom to choose what he thought was the proper course of action. With help from Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, Captain America single-handedly invaded the enemy base and freed the soldiers who were being held captive. Steve helped his fellow soldiers even though he had to disobey orders to accomplish it. He ultimately relied on himself and his abilities rather than listening to his military leaders.

Captain America is a great soldier and he often does very good things. And yet, even Cap relies on himself and his judgment more than he relies on those in authority over him. He uses his freedom to be self-reliant. That isn’t to say that it is always a bad thing but always relying on oneself can become a huge burden to bear. That is what we like to do. We like to be free to make our own decisions. We don’t want someone over us telling us what we can and can’t do. We like to look to rely on ourselves.

We don’t like to submit to authority. We want our freedom. But remember, complete freedom could be a very bad thing. Would we really want people to be free to murder others? Absolutely not. But think about how our sinful nature likes to complain when God’s Commandments tell us what is right and wrong. We want to be free to live our life. Why should we listen, for example, to what God’s Word says about marriage and the gift of sex being reserved for marriage? If two people love each other, who can say that it is wrong for them to have sexual relations outside of marriage. As long as we aren’t hurting anyone, we should be free to do what we want.

“We should be free to sin or at least to make our own decisions on what is sinful.” People may not say it exactly that way, but that is what people want. However, freedom to sin is no freedom at all. God’s Word describes that as the opposite of freedom. When we follow our “freedom” by giving in to temptations, God says that we are a slave to sin. God’s law is a good thing. But our sinful nature wants to view it as a burden and live in other ways. Romans 7:14 says, “We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.” If we ignore God’s law, we are a slave to sin. That is not freedom. Rather it is being oppressed by sin.

When we rely on ourselves and our own freedoms we often disobey God. By nature, we want to sin. By nature, we don’t want to stop indulging our wants and desires. Left to ourselves, we don’t have the ability to control our sinful temptations. We make excuses for our actions. We think that we are less evil than others or less responsible than those other more wicked people. We have not actually set ourselves free from sin, we are still under the burden of sin.

Perhaps another battle we fight is one like this: we keep on striving to make this world a more moral / “Christian” place to live. We continuously campaign against one sinful activity or another. We act as though our efforts can ultimately overcome sin and make this corrupt world more peaceful. But even that fight is an incredible burden. There will always be another battle to fight. In this world we cannot overcome sin by relying on our strength and the power of our own morality. We may think that we are fighting to be free from sin and at times winning, but we are often looking towards the wrong solution.

True freedom comes from Christ. Jesus once said, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:34-36). Jesus obeyed all of the laws in our place. He died the death that we deserve because of our sins. Because of him, we are set free. In Jesus, we have the freedom to live for our God and to serve him out of love and thankfulness. We don’t have to rely on ourselves, Jesus has taken away that burden. We are no longer under the burden of serving ourselves. We are free to serve our Lord.

Captain America serves his country. He fights for American ideals. He loves his country and he is thankful for his freedoms. He even feels bad about disobeying orders. After he disobeyed a direct order so that he could rescue other soldiers, he submitted himself to his commanding officer so that he could be disciplined. He wasn’t punished because of his actions but it shows that he understands the significance of his disobedience. When we recognize our guilt because of our sin, we submit ourselves to God and understand that we deserve his punishment. Amazingly, he put our punishment on Jesus so that we would be free. We are free from condemnation. We are free to live for God instead of in fear of God. Jesus has set us free!

At the very end of Captain America: The First Avenger, he begins to notice the endless battle that he has to keep fighting. Cap has been fighting for values such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but the war never ends. He defeated the Red Skull but then he crashed the plane into arctic waters. In true comic fashion, Steve survived. He was held in suspended animation until the present day and then he was thawed out by SHIELD agents. He soon realizes that there are more battles to be waged in the name of freedom. For Captain America, the fight must go on. He feels compelled to rely on what he can do. For us Christians, our fight has already been won. Jesus lifted the burden from off of our shoulders. He conquered the spiritual enemy. We are free and we are forgiven. We have liberty!

Captain America History

Captain America has appeared in several live-action serials and movies. The most recent incarnation is played by Chris Evans and has appeared in three films: Captain America: The First Avenger, The cap 1Avengers, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Captain America is one of the main heroes at Marvel Comics. He was created years before Marvel was known by that name. Back when it was known as Timely Comics, in 1940, Captain America made his debut. His origin story is pretty much exactly the same as it was told in Captain America: The First Avenger. As part of Project Rebirth, Steve Rogers was given the super soldier formula that Dr. Erskine had made. Steve became Captain America and went on to help defeat Nazi Germany. One interesting note about Captain America #1 is that it went on sale in December of 1940, a full year before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Even though America wasn’t yet in the war, Captain America #1 still shows Cap punching Hitler in the jaw.

I am a Lutheran pastor who is currently serving at Trinity in Belle Plaine, MN. My wife is Megan and my daughter is Elizabeth "Libby". I have two dogs (Labradors) - Samson and Charlie. In my spare time, I train for and run in marathons, I cheer for the Green Bay Packers, and I love the Comic Book genre of entertainment.

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