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Praying as a Forgiven Child of God

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I realize that the first month of 2014 is over at this point. I intended this post for January. January is often a time for new resolutions, looking forward to the future and what life may have in store. It’s a time of year that we reflect on time and our lives and goals. That being the case, I wrote the following prayer as we go into this new year as forgiven children of our Father in heaven:

I’m forgiven and adored
You’re my strength, my song, my LORD
Fill me with your living word
Help me share all I have heard
You have lived and died for me
You have done it all for free
I am rescued by your love
A sinner-saint, my home above
Now please use me as you will
Break my stubborn selfish will
Send me out to lift your name
Send me out to spread your fame
Every little thing I do
May I do it all for you!

When morning light streams in
When my daily tasks begin
When I breathe and love and live
When I pray and I forgive
When I work and rest and eat
With my heart’s every beat
Use my days to praise your name.

When my heart breaks hard
When my life is bruised and scarred
When my tears stream down
When I bear the world’s frown
When I stumble and I fall
When I can hardly breathe at all
Use my pain to praise your name.

When I talk to young and old
When I’m timid and I’m bold
When temptation comes my way
When I don’t know what to say
When they listen, when they leave
When they’re cheerful or they grieve
Use my mouth to praise your name.

When it’s good and when it’s bad
When it’s happy and it’s sad
When I succeed and when I fail
When I’m healthy and I’m frail
When I’m alone or in a crowd
When my head is high or bowed
Use my life to praise your name.

My name is Adam Nitz. I was trained as a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Pastor and was privileged to serve a congregation in Michigan for three years. After much wrestling in prayer and evaluating personal and family considerations I resigned my call. Part of the new direction my life has taken includes creative writing. I’ve always loved to write. Growing up I filled notebooks with poetry and reflections on life, faith, people and God. I just recently published a novel. I took a real person mentioned briefly in the Bible and imagined what his life's journey may have been like. If you’d like to follow my journey as an author feel free to check out my other blog at Please check out my book: I Was There When the Giant Fell at or search the title on I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth--his mighty Word and that hearts and lives are changed by God’s boundless message of grace.

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