Classic Hymns,  Music,  Traditional Hymns

Three Modern Takes on Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Why have only one version of this great advent hymn when you can have three?

“Come Thou Long Expected JESUS” is one of the more than 6,500 hymns written by Charles Wesley. Some of his most famous songs include “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”, “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing”, and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”. It was first published in 1744 in a small collection of 18 poems titled Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord. The vibrant “Hyfrydol” tune was composed by a 20-year-old Welshman, Rowland H. Prichard, in about 1830. The tune means “good cheer” and has been used with many popular hymns.

HT: Josh Wicker

The Good Shepherd Band

Skit Guys featuring the music of Marcy Priest 

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Anson Sexton (King’s Kaleidoscope Cover)

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