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O Come, Thou Dayspring performed by The Gundersen Family

O Come, Thou Dayspring! The second verse of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” although not as well-known as the first, communicates our longing for the Messiah’s return. Just as the morning star serves as a sign that morning has broken, so Jesus’ first advent stands as a “flash-forward” of God’s glorious future for His people. Now, we await the return of the Day-Spring.

Come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here. We are comforted in knowing that the coming Day of the Lord will be one of judgment. Many today deny such notions of wrath and judgment when it comes to God and instead emphasize only His mercy and love. We should instead take comfort in knowing we serve a just God – who in His justice will one day right all wrongs, overturn the tables of human “justice” and tyranny and declare His judgment on rebellious humanity. On that day, all who are “in the Messiah” will be spared His wrath. Not only will Christians be spared, we will be vindicated. God will uphold His people with His strong and powerful arm, and yes, our spirits will truly be cheered by His advent.

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night. We await the noonday sun of the new creation that God has promised. The sin that clouds our hope and distorts our view of truth will cease to exist. All creation groans in anticipation of God’s healing hand and swift justice – the moment when the clouds of night will dissipate in light of the returning King Jesus.

And death’s dark shadows, put to flight! Jesus did not only defeat sin and evil; He conquered the greatest enemy to God’s good creation – death itself. We await the Final Resurrection – the moment when the dark shadows of death will be put to flight forever and there will be no more pain, crying, sorrow, shame, or death. But God will not only end future death. All past death will be reversed! God will raise up the remains of our earthly bodies, transform them into the likeness of His Son’s resurrected body, and we will inhabit His new world for the rest of eternity.

HT: Trevan Wax in O Come Again, Emmanuel: An Advent Meditation

HT: Thanks to Joey Schumann of the Lutheran Celi Orchestra for the Gunderson Family find.

About the Performers

A search of the internet for the Gundersens results in many videos and short blurbs about Noah Gundersen. Other than finding out they were home-schooled…kuddos to them…the Gundersens appear to have been part of a good number of groups and projects over the past few years.

Connect with the Gundersens on Facebook.

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