A Son Emmanuel animation by Koiné
A Son Emmanuel is another beautiful animation by the church band Koiné featuring their original song and the mad sand animation skills of artist Jason Jasperson. The fluid blend of lyrics and visuals masterfully retells the story of how our loving father brought us back to himself by sending his son to be Emmanuel–God with us with.
Perhaps seeing this will give you some inspiration to make a video to enter in Bread for Beggars Christmas Music Video Contest. Upload your video today!
Hands that placed the stars
Reaching for the Virgin’s warm embrace.
Word that once was spoke gathering waters,
Cries into the night.
Who is man that you mind?
The Son of Man that you care?
You placed him here beneath angels,
A Son, Emmanuel.
“You are my Son
Today I have become your Father”
Son now hear my voice,
“Go unto my chosen people.”
No burden they’ll ever bear,
Will you, my Son not share.
Like them in every way
From their sins you will save.
Fit for a King, a crown, thorned with human sin and pride,
ribboned with man’s disdain and lies.
Pressed on all sides from the tempter’s whispered sins,
“Who is man that you should mind?”
“This is now my choice
To walk among my fellow brothers.
Wounds I won’t erase to bear the sin
that’s pulled them from your heart. “
“No skin of mine will be saved
But for you will be slaved.”
Beneath the light of angelic skies
A Son, Emmanuel.
Text: Koiné Tune: Koiné Copyright 2012 Judas on Straight Street Records

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