About the Performer:
David Wesley is another YouTube multi-track artist about whom little is known.
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There’s not really much to say about me. I’m from Ontario, Canada. Married with first kid on the way. I’ve been a Christian for about 23 years. I work as an ER nurse and a paramedic in a rural community. I’ve only recently moved into the area, so I’m just getting my feet wet in my church’s worship team. I have led worship in larger churches, and did some consultant/coaching work.”
Check out his YouTube page here.
Kathryn keim
Great signing do you have accapella cds
Dr. Roberts Ugbekile
David, you sure have the mighty hands of God upon your life and we have so many things in common. Could you kindly connect with me and let us chat a bit.
My daughter is attending at Holycross Sisters School in Bellville, Cape Town, since last week Wednesday she has been asking me about David Wesley and I told her I don’t know the name and she told to please search and listen so i can decide if i buy her the cd or not and i’m only listening to it today. Eversince last week on our way to home its been the same question ‘mommy did you search him” and tries to imitate the songs her teacher plays for them. and i must say its really impressive.
You sing from the heart. I so appreciate your musical collection.
For the future, I walk in the Garden Alone and This is my Father’s World are public domain
and these old hymns give space to build humans’ relationship with the natural world. We can learn to treasure Creation, the earthly home given to us to care for by our Creator.