
The Prodigal an Animation about the Father’s Full, Free and Foolish Forgiveness

The Father’s Love for Us

In Luke 15, Jesus responding to the Pharisees accusations of his association with sinners, tells the familiar Parable of the Prodigal or Lost Son. In this animation artist Chris Powers draws from Jesus’ words and the song Prodigal by Sovereign Grace Music.

“The Prodigal” by Meghan and Ryan Baird. Sung by Meghan Baird. Copyright 2009 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP).


The Prodigal Lyrics

You held out Your arms, I walked away
Insolent, I spurned Your face
Squandering the gifts You gave to me
Holding close forbidden things
Destitute, a rebel still, a fool in all my pride
The world I once enjoyed is death to me
No joy, no hope, no life

Where now are the friends that I had bought
Gone with every penny lost
What hope could there be for such as I
Sold out to a world of lies
Oh to see Your face again, it seems so distant now
Could it be that You would take me back
A servant in Your house

You held out Your arms, I see them still
You never left, You never will
Running to embrace me, now I know
Your cords of love will always hold
Mercy’s robe, a ring of grace
Such favor undeserved
You sing over me and celebrate
The rebel now Your child

© 2009 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP)

The Prodigal

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