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Verses for the King of Creation a poem by Adam Nitz


It has long been a thought in the back of my mind to take whole key chapters of the Bible and present the truths of that chapter in verse form. Here is my first attempt. This is a poem based on Genesis 1:1 – 2:3, the creation account. My prayer is that you will use it devotionally to meditate on God’s love in creating this marvelous, diverse world in which we live and that you grow in your appreciation of God’s might and mercy. Please read the Genesis account along with the poem. In the future I plan to go on from here and do more key chapters of the Bible. God’s blessings!

When time began from nothingness
God was there who always is
His grand creative work begun
Before the first glow of the sun
When earth was formless, empty mess
The deep blacked out in deep darkness
God the Spirit hovered there
The watery depths beneath his care

And God spoke his mighty marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
“Let there be light!” and there was light
God saw it as good and perfect and right
He organized the dark and light
He called one “day” he called one “night”
And evening and morning, the first day done
God’s work of creation had just begun.

And God spoke his mighty marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
“Let there be a great wide space
Waters below all gathered in place
And waters above all hanging high
And the place between, I call the ‘sky.’”
And evening and morning, the second day through
God’s work of creation complete for day two.

And God spoke his mighty marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
“Let the waters below be gathered about
Let dry ground show where the waters flow out.”
And so it was and God named as he pleased
The dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.”
God saw it was good and perfect and right
 And continued creating a marvelous sight:
“Let the land spring forth with great greenery
Every kind of plant and fruit-bearing tree!”
And the earth came alive with lush vegetation
Bountiful beauty clothed God’s great creation
God saw it was good and perfect and right
And evening and morning, the third day and night

And God spoke his mighty marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
“Let there be lights in the space called sky
To signal when day or when night draw nigh
And let them be signs to mark season and year
And give light to the earth where my Light will appear.”
And so God made lights and hung them high
To shed light on the earth and dazzle the eye.
A great one for day and a lesser for night
To separately govern the darkness and light
And each little star God set like a gem
A glittering sky-full—there’s no counting them!
God saw it was good and perfect and right
And evening and morning, the fourth day and night.

And God spoke his mighty, marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
“Let the waters teem with creatures galore
Let the sky fill with birds, over earth may they soar.”
So a great many species swarmed out in the seas
And all kinds of birds spread their wings on the breeze.
God saw it was good and perfect and right
And he blessed all that swam and took to flight:
“Be fruitful, increase in the seas and on earth.”
And ever since then God’s creatures give birth.
And evening and morning, the fifth day complete
All creation was set for God’s greatest feat.

And God spoke his mighty, marvelous Word
His love burst forth, a miracle occurred…
 “Let the land produce creatures that walk, crawl and roam
All manner of animals that make dry land their home.”
And God made such creatures of each kind and type
Every paw, claw and hoof, every color and stripe.
God saw it was good and perfect and right
A world full of creatures displaying his might.
Then God declared his most marvelous plan
“In our perfect image, let us now make man!”
“Let him rule the sea creatures in the ocean blue
The birds that fly high and all land animals too.”
So God created man in his own image that day
Male and female made perfect in every possible way.
God blessed them and told them “Be fruitful, increase.
Fill this whole great wide earth and rule it in peace.
Rule over all fish that swim in the sea
All birds in the air and land creatures for me.”
And God said, “For your food I give you all these:
Seed-bearing plants and the fruit from my trees.
The green plants that I made I give to be feed
For all life that breathes, to fill each creature’s need.”
 And then it was so and God viewed the whole sight
And saw it was good and perfect and right.
And evening and morning, the sixth day had passed
God’s grand earth and heavens were completed at last.
When the seventh day dawned on the earth God made
God had finished his creation so grandly arrayed.
God blessed the seventh day as his own holy one
For on it he rested from the work he had done.

My name is Adam Nitz. I was trained as a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Pastor and was privileged to serve a congregation in Michigan for three years. After much wrestling in prayer and evaluating personal and family considerations I resigned my call. Part of the new direction my life has taken includes creative writing. I’ve always loved to write. Growing up I filled notebooks with poetry and reflections on life, faith, people and God. I just recently published a novel. I took a real person mentioned briefly in the Bible and imagined what his life's journey may have been like. If you’d like to follow my journey as an author feel free to check out my other blog at Please check out my book: I Was There When the Giant Fell at or search the title on I pray that God will use all these writings to bring more people into closer contact with his saving truth--his mighty Word and that hearts and lives are changed by God’s boundless message of grace.

One Comment

  • Kathrine Peterson

    There are many ways to share the truth of God’s Word, and your gift is poetry. May God bless your efforts with success in touching the lives of the faithful and the unknowing.

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