Precious Lord, Take My Hand a thought-provoking new video from Koiné
Just a couple of weeks ago we featured another version of Precious Lord Take My Hand performed by Concordia Chamber Choir and you can learn more about the hymn itself in that post. Today, we are pleased to share with you the newly released video of the same hymn performed and produced by Koiné.
I must admit, at first, I was a bit confused by the video. If you are too, I would encourage you to give it time and watch it all the way to the end several times. Also be sure to read the Luther quote before the lyrics begin. Sometimes concepts that confuse us and are harder to digest as first are the type that will stick with us the most. I believe this video does precisely that. Although, I had never personally made the connections this video makes with this particular hymn and its lyrics, I appreciate the thought that went into this production and I believe many will be edified by it.
I am excited to see high quality multi-media productions like this being created by WELS members and pray that God will continue to bless the efforts of these creative individuals to be used for his glory and the proclamation of his saving message.
Enjoy and please let us know what you think about the video. (I am sure Koiné would love to hear your feedback as well).
If your Latin is a little rusty the prominent words in the video translate as follows:
- Caro — the flesh, sinful flesh
- Mundus — the world
- Diabolus — the Devil
- Via, Veritas, Vita — the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Precious Lord, Take My Hand: Lyrics
Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand;
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord;
Lead me home.
When my way grows drear,
Precious Lord, linger near,
When my life is almost gone,
Hear my cry, hear my call;
Hold my hand lest I fall.
Take my hand, precious Lord;
Lead me home.
When the darkness appears
And the night draws near
And the day is almost gone,
At the river I stand;
Guide my feet, hold my hand,
Take my hand, precious Lord;
Lead me home.
Text: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993
Tune: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993
Setting: © Koiné 2010 Judas on Straight Street Publications
About the Performers
Koiné’s humble roots originate in the heartland of America, in a city known for its rich German history, its famous barley and hops, and many festivals – Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It’s here that five unique artists, each with their own talents and abilities, came together in 2003 to put a new twist on traditional, Christian music. Staring at each other, blankly, with their instruments in one hand and their hymnals in the other, Koiné set about reinventing the way we listen to hymns.
To date, Koiné has toured across 35 states since its inception, producing 5 studio albums and a repertoire of over 250 hymns and liturgical pieces. They sell their CD’s all over the world in places as far Germany, Australia and Hong Kong. This year alone, Koiné will play around 200 events at churches, community festivals, grade schools, high schools, and colleges. This is a full-time ministry for the members of the group, and is supported almost entirely by the generosity of people who come to their events.
The group consists of: Brian Davison – singer, Tracy Fedke – singer, Seth Bauer – piano, Seth Kock – drums, Benj Lawrenz – guitar, and Matt Scott – Bass.
Koiné is a Greek word that means “common.” Koiné Greek was the language that the New Testament was originally written in. It was a common language for the common man – everyone could understand it. The members of Koiné are common people too. They play common instruments and common hymns that many know and enjoy. The only extraordinary thing about Koiné and what they do is the message that they proclaim through the music they play, the same message of the Bible – Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
For up-to-date information on Koiné become a friend on Facebook and visit www.koinemusic.com