Jonathan Schroeder,  Pentecost Sermons,  Sermons,  Year C Pentecost

Great Faith a sermon by Pastor Jonathan Schroeder

Pentecost 2 – 2013 from Faith Lutheran on Vimeo.


Pentecost 2 from Faith Lutheran on Vimeo.

centurion-1Great faith does not rely on the ‘synagogues’ you have built or any of the faithfulness you think you have completed. Great faithfulness only sends for Jesus. When troubles come into your life that are bigger than you are, don’t make a list of things that you have done for God, simply send for Jesus.” — Jonathan Schroeder

Sermon Text: Luke 7:1-10

Sermon Theme: Great Faith: It’s Object and Attitude

Jonathan Schroeder is the pastor of Faith Lutheran in Sharpsburg, GA. He serves as the Moderator of the Institute of Worship and Outreach, pastor-at-large on the Synodical Council, and is actively involved in WELS School of Outreach and WELS School of Worship.


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