Happiness Addiction,  Sermons

Happiness Addiction Part 4: The Meaning of Life

Happiness Addiction Part 4 – The Meaning of Life from Judy Gotter on Vimeo.

Happy FaceIt feels like everyone is peddling happiness. You have been promised happiness can be found in a vacation, a book, a relationship, a surgery, a meal, a jewelry box, a religion, a pill or a new car (just to name a few). Yet in spite of our pursuit of happiness, it remains an elusive destination. Fortunately, the Bible addresses this very real tension.  Discover in this series why happiness is elusive and what to do about it.

In this sermon Pastor Ewart takes on the question:What is the meaning of life? (Hint–Its something better than happiness!)

Sermon Theme: The Meaning of Life

Sermon Text: Philippians 1:20-30

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