

There once was a man who had it all.

All—might be—an understate-ment. When it came to wealth…extreme! He could have had anything. No expense was too great. No luxury unattainable. When it came to his work…exceptional! His résumé included building a temple, a royal pal-ace, several cities, and strong diplomatic relationships with enemy na-tions. When it came to women…excessive! His wives numbered more than 700. When it came to wisdom…extraordinary! People the world over, came to seek his council. His Proverbs are revered still today.

If a man ever lived who could say, “I have it all,” it was—King Solomon. However, after years of drinking deeply from the well of human experience, Solomon came to a startling conclusion. Everything he had, all he had done, all the wealth he had accumulated, all the women he had wed, all the wisdom he had shared, could be summed up with a single word— MEANINGLESS. “Meaningless, meaningless,” says the teacher, “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:2,14).

What will it take for you come to the same conclusion?

How many more hours in front of the TV or computer? How many more credit card purchases? How many more long work weeks? How many more relationships? How many more drinks? What will it take for you realize that it is all “meaningless”?

Saint Augustine prayed, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.”

We possess a deep longing that cannot be satisfied until it is satisfied in God…alone. Wise King Solomon realized this and it led him to view life from two perspectives. First, he viewed the world without God. For those who do not fear the Lord, who persist in sin, and do not believe in Jesus as Savior, everything done in life “under the sun” is as meaningless as chasing after one’s breath on a cold winter’s day.

Second, he looked at life with God. For those who fear the Lord, who see their sin, and believe in Jesus as Savior, there is true meaning for this life and confident hope for the next as “the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Painting: Piero della Francesca: Legend of the True Cross – the Queen of Sheba Meeting with Solomon , Detail. (c. 1452-66, Fresco, San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy)

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