Contemporary Hymns,  Music

Soon performed by Christ Fellowship

Whatever you believe about the timing of the return of Christ, orthodox Christians all agree on one thing: Jesus is coming back.

Scripture tells us that when Jesus finally returns, all wrongs will be made right, the unrighteous will be judged, and those who have trusted in Christ will enter into the immediate presence of God in the new heavens and new earth. God promises that there will be no more sin, no more tears, no more death, and no more pain (2Thess. 2:8; Phil. 3:20-21; Rev. 21:4). And “when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

With those kinds of promises, you’d expect that we’d be thinking about the return of Christ a lot more often than we do. But we don’t. We get caught up in the details of life, weighed down by the effects of sin, and distracted by the empty promises of the world. We think more about the stock market than the second coming. We anticipate a new season of American Idol more than the return of Christ. We act as though Jesus coming back is far enough away that it shouldn’t seriously affect our lives now. And we’re the poorer for it.

In 2 Tim. 4:8, Paul says that Christians are those who “have loved his appearing.” He tells Titus that we are “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” And Peter says that we should be setting our hope “fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

One of the ways we do that is by singing about Christ’s return.

HT: Bob Kauflin

Soon: About

Soon is a modern Christian song that leads one to rejoice and take comfort in that day one day “soon and very” when we will be with Jesus Christ the Lord forever. Soon was written in 2009 by Brooke Fraser for Hillsong Church in New Zealand.

Soon: What do you think?

What are some positives about the lyrics? Negatives? Please comment below.

Soon: Lyrics

Soon and very soon
My King is coming
Robed in righteousness
And crowned with love
When I see Him,
I shall be made like Him
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon I’ll be going
To the place He has prepared for me
There my sin erased
My shame forgotten
Soon and very soon

I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I’ll see Him
There my soul will be satisfied
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon
See the procession
The angels and the elders ’round the throne
At His feet I’ll lay my crown, my worship
Soon and very soon

Though I have not seen Him
My heart knows Him well
Jesus Christ the Lamb
The Lord of Heaven

About the Performers: Christ Fellowship Church West Palm Beach, Florida

Very little info available. This appears to be the only video of this kind that they produced. Too bad, right?

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